Thursday, April 5, 2007 Reader to B&B: Take Some Responsibility

Wow...a startling provocative indictment of B&B from a family counselor and reader of (who have all rights to this material):

Dear Soapdom,

I started watching THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL from its inception, and I always enjoyed the little intriguing segments -- when I needed
fantasy -- but the writers have shown such a blatant disrespect for family life.

I entered the field of family counseling because there are so many broken teens, who were tramautized by family: rapes; marriages ended; incest, just to name a few of the heart-wrenching situations that brought life-changing events in their lives!

Yet, without any concern for your young viewers, [B&B] place[s] in their faces:

A sick young man like Rick, who believes it's alright to make sex with his young [former niece and step-] sister! Why not promote something healthy, like a man thinking of the effect this will have on the young
woman over time?

Why does Brooke, always have to be a tramp? Where is [their] sense of moral obligation??? The twisted thinking of [the] writers has caused me to re-think my sources of entertainment, and I assure you, watching this twisted program will not be one of my choices.

For a change, let age appropiate (sic) behavior be the bases for a storyline; let [the] characters own up to their wrong course; give Ridge and Brooke a chance to build a fantastic company together, let a competitive development between the two companies come. [They should] stop making Ridge look like a cartoon character...[and] make him strong, not a bully!

Young people are troubled with so many issues today.

Isn't it [their] responsibility also to provide healthy alternatives to the sick projections of family life that are kept feeding the youth of America who are raised in dysfunctional families? (The writers need to
work out their issues in therapy!)

Please let the lives (of the characters) be important!!!


Betty, via email

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

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